Ce que l’école fait avec le cinéma. Enjeux d’apprentissage dans la scolarisation de l’art à l’école primaire et au collè...
Published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Published in Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference on - WebSci '13
We are in the epoch of networks. The world is now rapidly being perceived as a vast space of interlocking networks of seemingly infinite variety: biological, productive, cy-bernetic, and – most important of all – social. The image of the network, with its obvi-ous bias towards vision, has become the paradigmatic representation of understand-ing our...
Published in Computational Geometry and Graphs
The public access to the web is twenty years old. Through it, digital society has developed throughout the entire world. But has this society become mündig, that is, mature, in the sense that Immanuel Kant used this term to define the age of Enlightenment as an exit from minority, from Unmündigkeit ? Certainly not: contemporary society seems on the...